Meet with investors and aspiring business angels, talk with early-stage startups, and learn more about the investment in technology companies.
Learn from the successful investors
and experts about how to invest in
early-stage companies, about legal
aspects, portfolio management and
other questions.
Use the chance to meet with other
investors, share investment
opportunities, or launch your own
syndicates, talk directly with the
startups from our community.
Get access to our pipeline of local
and foreign startups that want to
grow in the MENA region and
looking for early-stage investments
and advisory.
As an investor, you understand that when investing at an early stage, angels and funds are looking at the startup team first - their industry expertise, previous experience, technology skills and business acumen. There's somebody standing behind the slides, and the investor should clearly understand who are the people creating this solution. Will they commit for long? Are they strong enough to get through the entrepreneurial path to a potential exit? How to make a proper team Due Diligence of the startup - that will be the overall topic of the upcoming Business Angels Network Meetup.
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